- Length:
- 59.45 miles (95 km)
- Time:
- Approximately, 1.5 hours
- Fees:
- There are no fees along the byway proper.
The inhabitants of the farming counties in the southeastern corner of West Virginia have been living in relative harmony with the land since the late 1700s. Monroe County's Farm Heritage Road offers a picture of life in these rural and agricultural communities which in may ways, retains the character imparted upon it by previous generations. The route encompasses three distinct geographical settings: the quaint winding course of Indian Creek, the gently rolling plateaus of farmland, and the picturesque Sweet Springs Valley nestled alongside the lofty Peters Mountain in the Appalachian Ridge and Valley region. The push of industry and commercialism has largely by-passed the area, therefore, many old houses, farms, and public buildings remain from throughout the county's 200 year history.